Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Association, at which Officers’ Reports are received and the Officers and Committee Members for the ensuing year are elected, is held on the Saturday of the May reunion weekend and provides an opportunity for members to raise matters of interest and express their views.


Each year the Association holds two weekend reunions for members and guests, in the United Kingdom, in May and September/October. Recently the autumn reunion has been held in Scotland. In addition, one or two Chinese lunches are organized in London each year.

Local chapters meet as frequently as their members decide, often on a monthly basis, and organise local events.  Further details of local meetings may be found by logging on to the members’ area and going to the ‘Events’ or ‘Member Notices’ sections.



At least two Newsletters are issued each year to keep members up to date with happenings and developments in Hong Kong and to give news of both retired and serving members and friends of the Association. Other sections of the Newsletter deal with pensions and related matters of interest to members and historical items.