The Hong Kong Police was established in 1844, to replace the existing unsatisfactory policing arrangements of the preceding three years, and continued as a British colonial police force until the sovereignty of Hong Kong reverted to China in 1997.

Members of the Force fought and died in both World Wars, in Europe and the Far East.

In 1969, in recognition of its valour and steadfastness during the civil emergency of 1967, during which ten members of the Force were killed on duty and others wounded, H.M The Queen was graciously pleased to grant the Hong Kong Police the title ‘Royal’ and HRH Princess Alexandra consented to become, in an honorary capacity, the Commandant General of the Royal Hong Kong Police.

At the reversion of sovereignty, with the authority of the Commissioner of Police and the consent of the Hong Kong Government, the Royal Hong Kong Police Commemorative Medal was struck, which may be worn by all who served in the RHKP and its predecessors prior to the hand over.  The full size medal may be worn on ceremonial occasions, including Remembrance Sunday, and the miniature may be worn at formal dinners where miniatures are permitted.  This medal had to be applied for and paid for at the time of issue in 1997.  A finite number were struck by Spink of London based on the number ordered.  Once this was done the dies were destroyed.  The medal does occasionally appear for sale on the Internet.

Today the Hong Kong Police continues in existence as the police force of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China, in which a number of expatriate officers continue to serve.

Purposes of the Association

The Association was inaugurated in 1938 to:

  • perpetuate friendships formed through service or association with the Hong Kong Police/Royal Hong Kong Police
  • act in the mutual interests of its members
  • raise, maintain and administer a welfare fund for the benefit of members and their widows


Membership is open to:

  • officers, irrespective of rank, who have served in or have retired from the HKP/RHKP
  • sons and daughters over the age of 18 of officers who have served in or have retired from the HKP/RHKP
  • persons who have such association with the HKP/RHKP, or who have had such service with the Government of Hong Kong as to warrant the Committee of the Association approving their application for membership


The Association has a worldwide membership, with members in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and many other countries.

The routine affairs of the Association are run by a Committee based in London, with a resident Committee representative in each major region.

Where several members are closely located they sometimes form a Chapter to socialise and organise local events.

In the United Kingdom, and some other areas, local area welfare officers assist with the welfare functions of the Association.

The Association greatly values and appreciates its links with and the continuing support of the  Hong Kong Police.